Family And Child Development Posted By : Arthor Pens
The main engine of development of a child is the accumulation of human values from the family. Human values broadly defined, has several aspects, including love, respect for elders, kindness, co-operation, honesty, politeness, patriotism, sympathy and empathy are considered to be a key determinant of developed personality.

Parenting Stubborn Children Posted By : Jennie Gandhi
Children analyze a situation in a typical way. In case they witness elders quarrelling or using a particular gesture then they immediately try to imitate the same. They also conceptualize that this is the way to go about a situation. Read more about parenting stubborn children.

Anticipate The Daycare Costs Posted By : Jillian Smith
Congratulations! You've just had a baby. But you need to get back to work and the mounting pressure of wondering what you're going to pay in day care costs is causing you to lose sleep. But it needn't be so. Keep in mind that your baby continues to grow and in about 4 years your day care costs will begin declining as your child enters school.

The Ten Commandments Of Parenting Teenagers Posted By : Joanne Kimes and R.J. Colleary with Rebecca Rutledge, PhD
As we all know and regret deeply, kids aren't born with instruction manuals informing us of the intricacies of how they work. As parents, our only option is to learn as we go. When our kids were babies, we learned to nap when they napped, to put valuables up on the high shelves, and that m&ms make excellent bribing tools when potty training. But now that your baby is no longer a baby (although he still may act that way from time to time), there is a whole new set of instructions to learn.

Getting Your Child to Sleep: The Power of the Sleep Fairy Posted By : Laura Doerflinger
Do your children awaken you multiple times in the night? Do you lie with your children in bed until they finally fall asleep? Does your child slip into your bed in the middle of the night? Have your children's sleeping habits driven you to the point of madness? Have no fear! The Sleep Fairy is here!

Spending Time with Your Children: Family Day, A Bonding Tradition Posted By : Laura Doerflinger
Creating a special time that all members of the family look forward to is an essential ingredient in building a strong parent child bond. This article on developing a Family Day is an excellent tool to increase you parenting skills, promote fairness, emphasize the importance of open communication and grow closer as a family unit.

Meal Time Tips Posted By : Ruth Edensor
For anyone who would like to improve mealtimes with their family for whatever reason these guidelines will hopefully give you some ideas on how to go about it. It would be impossible to cover all possible scenarios and a one size fits all approach in a tip sheet so I am going to look at a basic outline of meal times.

Developing Co Parenting Skills: Working Together to Raise Happy Kids Posted By : Laura Doerflinger
Co-parenting isnt easy. Its actually quite a chore. When neither parent is willing to negotiate or communicate, the child has the job of transitioning from one parenting style to the other. As a parent educator and family therapist, I have seen many anxious and confused children affected by their parents inconsistent rules and styles. Sometimes children do this under the same roof and sometimes under two, but the bottom line is that it is the parents responsibility to create a balance.

Photo ID Cards Can Protect Students And Children Posted By : Sher Matsen
Technology has changed a great deal in just a decade. What we used to have to rely on other businesses to do for us, can now be done efficiently, and cost effectively in-house. The printing of photo ID cards is one of those tasks. But photo ID cards have a place outside corporate America. Photo ID Cards can be used to protect students and children in a variety of ways.