The Straw that Broke the Lender's Back Posted By : Buddy Blake
There's also the possibility that this set-up is part of a larger scam in which Mr. Scam Artist and Ms. Good Credit work together to find a dishonest appraiser to provide an inflated assessment of the property's value. Ms. Good Credit gets a loan based on this inflated appraisal, and then the three people involved share the profits.

Banks Hate Mortgage Modifications, Love Lawyers Posted By : Nick Adama
This weekend on the radio, there was an interesting discussion among a handful of financial and mortgage experts about the banking industry's current fascination with loan modification programs. The participants in the discussion came up with some very good points about the modifications that lenders are currently offering to homeowners in foreclosure trying to lower their monthly bills and how banks use attorneys to pursue foreclosure but do not want to deal with a homeowner's legal representation.

Refinancing Your Mortgage - Can You Really Save Money? Posted By : David Mayer
Well, there you are with a loan secured on your home. Every month, you pay the instalment out of your income. Whats the problem? Why should you want to refinance? For most, it could not be more simple. Because you want to pay a lower monthly instalment! When prices for all the basic necessities of life keep going up but your income fails to keep pace, you get squeezed. Lets think about how you came to be in this position.

Is Tthis The Right Time? Posted By : David Mayer
When the leading lights of Wall Street are suddenly dropping into bankruptcy or being sold off, you are right to ask the question, Is this the right time to be looking to refinance or borrow some more money? The answer is always to look at what is right for you. Ignore what seems to be happening to others and take the decisions that protect your interests. The article offers general advice on what to do as the credit crunch starts to bite. This will include looking for a cheaper mortgage and consolidating your debts.

You May Have More Options to Avoid Foreclosure by Hiring a Lawyer Posted By : Nick Adama
Although banks love the lawyers whose services they can buy, either as government legislators, regulators, or law firms who will lie to courts about foreclosure cases, these same lenders rarely enjoy talking to the legal representative of a homeowner.

Will The Obama Plan Help You Save Your Home From Foreclosure? Posted By : Nick Adama
The government and the President have a new plan to help homeowners out of foreclosure. We refer to it as the "Obama Plan". Many homeowners are hoping and praying for the best, but if history has shown us anything, we know it's always best to have a back up plan.

How Does Search Engine Optimization Work - Looking At Keywords Posted By : Keith Garrow
This is one of a series of articles by this author examining the most fundamental aspects of search engine optimization. This article looks at the vital importance of keywords in achieving online success. You will find out why keywords matter so much, how to find the right ones for your site and what to do with them when you have them.

Welcome to Work At Home Tools 4 Success!

I look forward to sharing tools and information to take the guesswork and frustration that people like us experience when trying to find a legitimate way to earn money online!

There is a lot of information and programs out there that make BIG promises that don't deliver. We spend so much money and time without results and I'm tired of it! Are you?

It is my goal to make sense of it all and give you the tools you actually need and keep it as simple as possible! I will be delving into different "opportunities" and letting you know what is for real and what to avoid.


Two Sides Of The Coin Of Refinancing Posted By : David Mayer
The article asks when it makes sense to renegotiate the length of the repayment term on your mortgage or the amount of the monthly instalments. This may be because you have more disposable income now, or because an adjustable rate mortgage is about to increase the rate.

5 Effective Techniques To Generate Maximum Traffic To Your Website Posted By : Sarda Sheldon
SEO is important for your website to get visibility on the search engine result pages as well as to generate more visitors who can eventually become your potential customers. Generating traffic is a principal aim of search engine optimization and it needs strategic implementation of SEO techniques. The best SEO company knows that SEO campaigns should be different for each business and each website. However, there are some tactics that are crucial in all business to target the niche audience.