Benefits of President Obama’s Health-care Information System Plan
The benefits of a fully computerized health record system in President Elect Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan President-elect Barack Obama recently spoke at George Mason University on the economy and his plans for it. One of his main promises was that he would take steps to computerize paper health records ...

American Politics: A Return to the Center
The call for change was loud and clear yesterday. As expected, the House of Representatives was won by the Democrats. But, much more surprisingly, the Democrats have taken the Senate 51-49. It seemed like an unlikely scenario going in, but with Webb's victory just called (although a recount may be requested), almost everything went perfectly for the Democrats.

So, what does this mean? Iraq has obviously been a mess. With President Bush announcing Rumsfeld is stepping down--only a week after he said he'd remain--it's clear that they were disappointed with the results and feel Iraq is the problem. And, it is to a degree. But, as Senator McCain mentioned, the GOP's spending was an issue for their base too.

What's exciting in my opinion is this should signal a return to the center. Numerous policies that got away from our nation's founding principles should be remedied. Narrow issues that appeal to single-issue voters like abortion, gay marriage, and guns didn't carry the day--it came down to the big picture. Fear also didn't tilt the election, or perhaps it did in favor of the Democrats. People may be realizing that aggression abroad only makes this nation more vulnerable.

Luckily, I think both sides see the need to compromise and work together once again. The Republicans received a very sobering message loud and clear. Democrats, I believe, realize they won a lot of tight races and in some cases they benefited from massive failure by the other candidate (or, in many cases, failure of just their candidate's party). While President Bush's power has been reduced, the incentive for government to be productive has been boosted.

In my opinion, it was a great day for America. I believe it's rarely healthy to have Congress and the Executive Branch controlled by the same party. And, thankfully, that's no longer the case. Let's get back to sensible spending, international cooperation, moderate policy making, and less indirect special interest control of our politics.


The 2008 Presidential Race
It keeps getting more and more interesting. Clinton and Obama are the clear front runners among the Democrats right now. Perhaps Edwards will become more of a factor as things progress and Richardson is trying to get into the thick of things too. McCain and Giuliani seem to be receiving the most mention from the GOP, while Gingrich is also being mentioned.

Obama seems capable of giving Clinton a run--especially since some question Clinton's chances if she is their candidate. I don't think Giuliani stands a chance--gun control supporting candidates with a pro-choice stance don't tend to do well with the GOP's core. McCain may not appeal to the far right, but I think he has a better shot. We'll see if age is tossed into the equation though. Romney is another possibility.

So, it's really any one's guess right now. I still believe Obama v. McCain would make for a refreshingly civil campaign. Gingrich v. Clinton could be a little deja vu and quite the battle. We'll have to wait and see what unfolds.

Automate your Microfiche and Microfilm Scanning
The DRS DIGITIZER - Fully automates your Microfiche scanning and microfilm scanning DRS DIGITIZER is a fully automated optical scanner for microfiches and microfilm's, including COM fiche's and 35 mm jackets. It utilizes modern CCD chip technology to achieve fast and cheap document scanning. It is produced and sold worldwide by ...

Health care premiums to increase 14.1% in 2008
I wonder how long this issue can be ignored? Hewitt Associates is projecting that HMO premium rates will increase 14.1% in 2008. So, our system that performs poorly in regards to doctors per capita, infant mortality, and life expectancy will see an increase at over three times inflation in 2008. It not only harms United States citizens, it also costs this country jobs. We're already paying double per citizen versus other first-world nations with superior metrics.

Michael Moore couldn't have timed his movie Sicko much better. It exposes some of misinformation that is readily spread by special interests in regards to other national systems, and people are going to feel a major hit in their pocket book soon--yet again. Hey, at least the government is looking into charging our 9/11 rescue workers who finally got proper care in Cuba. Wouldn't addressing this problem be a better use of their time? Of course, the five-cent pharmaceuticals they received aren't likely to keep the special interests happy. Think about the money those poor pharmaceutical companies lost when they're charing $175 here.

Attention to Health Care from the Current Administration?
Yes, it's true. Suddenly, after the health care topic has been largely ignored during President Bush's tenure, it's receiving real attention. On Tuesday, the president will announce his plan for tax deductions to encourage those without health care to purchase it. It appears that those who share the costs at work will also qualify for this incentive.

Is this a major step? I'm not sure yet--we'll have to hear the details. The administration claims that 80% of those with employer-based plans will benefit in the end despite some plans being taxable under this proposal. But, I'll be interested in hearing the real breakdown.

Regardless of it, it's nice to see the topic getting attention. Anything that can boost the number of those with health care will boost our economy and our nation's health. Currently, many are discouraged from getting preventative care which is extremely costly in the long run. It's amazing how previously ignored topics suddenly gain traction when two parties have some power.

The Definition of Hypocrisy
President Bush's recent statements reek of desperation from a lame duck leader. This latest one is no exception:

''The Congress now sitting in Washington holds this philosophy, '' Bush said. ''Their majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility, but so far it is acting like a teenager with a new credit card. Source

Truly hilarious. Who is he to lecture anyone on fiscal responsibility? How is our deficit doing, and has it grown under his watch? Should he have cut taxes given the increased expenses incurred due to his actions? Oh, and how is our dollar fairing? Think there might be a connection? This isn't difficult.

Oh yes, I know, we're in a time of war. I'd accept that excuse if the stated reason for going to war was truthful. But, time has shaken that one out. It's entertaining watching him try to support the status quo on health care despite record increases during his time, and now he's posturing as a fiscal conservative.

Actions speak louder than words. Fiscal conservatism and this president don't belong in the same sentence.

An All New York Presidential Race?
As I read this article about Michael Bloomberg leaving the GOP and potentially entering the presidential race as an independent, it got me thinking about the possibility that the three leading nominees (Republican, Democrat, and Independent) for president in 2008 could have received their most recent political experience in New York. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is one of New York's representatives in the United States Senate, Rudy Giuliani is New York City's previous mayor, and Bloomberg is New York City's current mayor. While I haven't looked into it, I have to believe that would be a first. 

Of course, Clinton and Giuliani have lots of work ahead of them. Clinton still holds a solid lead and I expect her to emerge, but I think Barack Obama is a strong candidate too. Giuliani might be a bit "too liberal" to get through the GOP's primaries, although he still holds a narrow lead according to most polls. Thompson, a long-time lobbyist, seems to be gaining ground. I'd be a little surprised if Rudy survives the smear tactics that are sure to occur to him due to his beliefs on gun control and abortion. 
