Free ebook: The Magic of Making Up!
Finally, a Free and very Special Report on "How to Get Your Ex Back." I put this 27 page ebook together just for my readers who may be suffering from a broken relationship. As you know, no email or signup required. Just click the ebook cover and it's yours! ___________________________________________Back To Top Of Gifts From Jim DeSantis___________________________________________[...]
Source: jim-desantis.blogspot.com_

Your Free Guide to Flirting & Sexual Communication With Women!
If you're one of those guys who simply doesn't have a clue about how to connect with women, you are gonna love this freebie Flirting and conversation skills are crucial to creating attraction. To prove just how easy it is, Author, Steve Scott, agreed to provide my readers with a 90 page ebook for free. With Steve's guide, you can take that next step in the evolution of your dating life.This preview version of Steve's course, 'Flirt Mastery', isn't a bunch of useless fluff and filler either. In fact, I[...]
Source: jim-desantis.blogspot.com_

My Chubby Hubby Turns Me Off!
(Erie, PA - Her Times Magazine)Psychotherapist, Julie Copen, offers practical advice.Dear Her Times:It is so hard to tell my husband, after 28 years of marriage, that he is not attractive anymore because of his weight. What should I do? I worry about his health. I have not been unfaithful to him. -- Concerned Dear Concerned:Congratulations on 28 years of marriage. It's obvious you're dedicated to the marriage and each other. Your concern about your husband's weight is valid and understandable. It will take a[...]

Is Your Marriage In Trouble?
What Is the Number One Attitude That Indicates Your Marriage Is In Trouble?By Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D.Did you know that a trained observer could watch you and your spouse interact for several minutes and then predict with high accuracy whether your marriage will survive or not? Does that sound unbelievable? In his bestselling book "Blink", author Malcolm Gladwell writes about psychologist John Gottman’s research on what attitudes increase the chances that a marriage will end in divorce. Since the[...]

Mini Site Money on Autopilot!
Something a bit different this time. View 1 full hour of free video tutorials that teach you how easily and quickly you can create profitable mini sites that sell! This series of 12 videos is Free, naturally. This is ideal for newbies. You will have to signup but, as you know, you can unsubscribe after you view them.Want more detail? Look at my blog post Here!These videos are by Michael Rassmussen. He'll take you by the hand, and walk you through the process of creating your first mini site, and then show[...]
Source: jim-desantis.blogspot.com_

"I Love You But I'm Not 'In Love' With You"
Did your spouse tell you, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you?”A person who says, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you, ” is making a distinction between 2 different feelings. But NEITHER of those feelings are love!What does that statement mean? When a person says, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you, ” they’re saying that I CARE about you but I’m not EXCITED about you. CARING about someone is a good thing. It’s reflective of CONCERN. But it’s different than love. I[...]

4 Ways To Save Your Marriage When Nothing Seems To Work
Saving a marriage teetering on the brink of divorce can be done, but answering the question “How can I save my marriage?” is more complicated than the Sunday paper advice columns make it seem. You can do everything “right” and still end up hitting a wall. Sound familiar? If so, let me share 4 ways for getting around some of the common sticking points that throw the reconciliation process off the tracks. 1) Decide what you want from your relationship!There are as many types of marriages as there are[...]

Adsense Secrets.2
Here's an excellent ebook from the well known Hansen brothers that focuses on some cool tips and tricks to make bigger money with Google Adsense. They cover all the bases in this freebie. Of course there are links you can click inside the ebook that lead to products you may want to buy to make life easier on you but there are many links to more free stuff, too! You know how much I recommend checking out the free stuff.Anyway, this ebook goes nicely with the other one on this page titled "Adsense for[...]
Source: jim-desantis.blogspot.com_