Is SEO Really Critical To My Work At Home Business?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vitally important for the work at home online business in improving your website’s ranking in search engine listings. Making use of SEO can increase the number of site visitors that will act on the product or service you are offering. The goal of SEO is to provide online businesses that have valuable content and websites with high rankings in query listings.

The biggest search engine service providers, like Google, want to be sure that your content is relevant to what people are looking for. If the search engine finds it difficult to trace matches back to keywords provided by the users, your target market probably will not be able to find your website.

The importance of having a high rank for an Internet marketer’s site cannot be stressed enough. From the moment a website is published, keywords are used to optimize a user’s ability to find you. You need to find several keywords or phrases that are relevant to your site. If someone enters a keyword match in the search engine related to your website, it will have a higher ranking in the listing.

Here are some techniques to maximize your SEO:

  • Titles should be fashioned with the strongest keywords or keyword phrases for your niche. Your title is the most important tag of your website.

  • Keep an eye on your keyword density. Keyword density is the percentage of keywords or keyword phrases in a web page. Keywords should be in the title, at the top of your page and then a few throughout the page. Do not overdo it.

  • Carefully select the words and phrases to be assigned to Alt tags. Alt tags tell the user about your site’s relevance to what they are searching for. Use only a few applicable keywords or phrases. Search engines do not like too many.

  • Design your site so it is pleasing to the visitor. If it is poorly designed or hard to read, it will not be a success. Viewers should be able to use the pages in all major browsers.

  • Content should be updated as often as possible, and the pages should be around to 200 to 500 words. Make sure your content is linked to the other related content on the site.

  • Do not SPAM! Your site will eventually be blacklisted by the search engines. Examples: doorway and duplicate pages, tiny or invisible text, keyword phrases in author tags, etc.

Keep it as simple as possible. Be sure that your site contains content related to your niche and keywords. You will find it highly beneficial to take these steps and ensure a successful SEO campaign.


Part of My Morning Ritual
This time I opt for the toothpaste that was NOT created by a famous artist—but STOLE his name (DaVinci—that’s why the Mona Lisa was NOT smiling—she used his toothpaste and ALL her teeth fell out.)—to make my teeth pearly white (it must have ACID in it to remove the plaque). Hope it works, it costs as much as a DaVinci painting (but I HOPE after using it, it’s NOT my Last Supper with teeth). While brushing this time, I pay special attention to my NOW bleeding gums and blood-coated tongue so my breath will not smell like a “Fresh” kill. Soon, I will have such white teeth and wonderful breath people will flock to date me (at least that's what all the TV commercials suggest). The reality is probably more like: vultures will flock above; expecting to eat my leftover kills or sharks will swim in a circle awaiting their chum.


Don't get me wrong...I dislike murderers.
I really do. I don't take too kindly to men or women (or children for that matter) who take other people's lives. I might be amenable to suicide in the right instances, but not murder (unless it's to save oneself from being murdered, then maybe, but not in war--that's just wrong!).

My point is...I really am NOT trying to discount what anybody does. But in the past 6 months I've gone through some stuff (best left like that--unsaid!) that makes me believe that sometimes, on rare occasions, one is not responsible for what one does. Okay, okay, I'm NOT trying to let anybody off the hook here. Really, I'm not.

But when professional wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and son over a couple day period, then committed suicide…you have to admit it was too weird. How could anyone stand to stay in the house? The smell? The knowledge? The depravity? UNLESS, it was the roid-rage? Okay, maybe you don’t believe it…but I do. I had to take steroids for a bad sinus infection. The first time, well, I knew they might make me “a little crazy” or so my doctor said. The second time, I noticed they made me a LOT crazy.

I had these unbelievable thoughts—first, there was the instance with the train. I was getting close to the tracks. The guard rail was coming down, I floored the gas. NEVER have I done something so crazy before—plus I didn’t even seem to care. It didn’t faze me…I didn’t worry about it. It was SO unlike me.

Next was the incident with my eye. Hmm, I thought, my eye hurts (a sign of my sinus infection)….hmm, I thought, maybe I should just RIP it out! And this thought kept occurring day in day out. Thankfully, I stopped the roids before I ripped out the eye. I say thankfully because it was someone else’s eye—JUST kidding, it was my eye. And this did happen. So, I understand roid-rage. It’s real. It happens. Sh*t happens. So maybe, maybe there is something to this whole bit about forgiving those who sinned against you (this from a NONRELGIOUS person!).


A Great Quote...
I found this quote/poem and I love it...can anyone tell me more about it?? I believe it is by an unknown author.


To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.

To weep is to risk being called sentimental.

To reach out is to risk involvement.

To expose feeling is to risk showing your true self.

To place your ideas and dreams before the crowd is to risk being naive.

To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To live is to risk dying .

To hope is to risk despair.

To try is to risk failure.

But risk must be taken, because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing.

Those who risk nothing do nothing, have nothing, are nothing and become nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they simply cannot learn to feel, and change, and grow, and love, and live.

Chained by their servitude, they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom. Only people who risk are truly free.

To take a risk is to have faith, to have a trust beyond ourselves.

It is more than fate, it is faith.


Welcome to Work At Home Tools 4 Success!

I look forward to sharing tools and information to take the guesswork and frustration that people like us experience when trying to find a legitimate way to earn money online!

There is a lot of information and programs out there that make BIG promises that don't deliver. We spend so much money and time without results and I'm tired of it! Are you?

It is my goal to make sense of it all and give you the tools you actually need and keep it as simple as possible! I will be delving into different "opportunities" and letting you know what is for real and what to avoid.


Mr. Man-ners: Am I profound or what?
Dear Mr. Man-ners:
I just thought up the most profound saying. “Sometimes you’ve got to believe that God knows what he’s doing.” What do you think?

Dear Believer:
Just one question: Do you sometimes feel like a nut, and sometimes you don’t?
Mr. Man-ners


Key Republican: 'Government-Run' Health Care Won't Pass Senate
ABC News Jun 21 2009 7:50PM GMT

Mr. Man-ners (from Gas Leaks Bother Me)
Dear Mr. Man-ners:
My boss has a gas problem. He has been farting in front of people (judges, attorneys, etc.) for over 20 something years and no one says anything. Yes, he has done it to me. But today was the last straw. He farted in my area and left a horrible smell behind. I am feeling very disrespected. Can you please tell me how to deal with this without alienating myself?
Gas Leaks Bother Me

Dear Gas Leaks Bother Me:
They bother LOTS of people and kill many people EVERY year! Tell him to have his furnace checked out so NO one has to die! Or maybe he thinks you’re INTO “man smells”. Tell him this is NOT the case and that he should douche so he ONLY passes clean “natural” gas. That MIGHT give him a clue. But I doubt it. Your boss is a SHIT (Stupid Hedonistic Ignorant Twit)—and he’s full of shit too! My suggestion is to SNEAK a whoopee cushion into some IMPORANT meeting and make sure HE sits on it. When that upsets his clients, well, maybe he’ll get a clue! But don’t hold your breath, oops, maybe you should!
Mr. Man-ners


One of my worst pictures!
