Channel Manager, ERP Software at Software Company (Trenton, NJ)
Company Description:

PHISHING - SIGURANTA - prin BT24, Internet Banking de la Banca Transilvania !
Atentie, o tinta noua, Banca Transilvania: Banca Transilvania (activati imaginile pentru a vedea newsletterul in conditii optime) SIGURANTA - prin BT24, Internet Banking de la Banca Transilvania ! Stimate client, Sambata, 4 Aprilie 2009, ora 15:45, certificatul dumneavoastra digital de autentificare a expirat. Certificatele sunt folosite pentru verificarea identitatii persoanei care trimite mesaje electronice catre banca, dar si pentru a [...]

Starting a Home Business as a Freelance Graphics Designer
If you are an artist, then a perfect opportunity would be to sell your craft to individuals and businesses. Many artists make great livings by starting a home business as a freelance graphics designer. Freelance graphic design is a service that is extremely in demand. For businesses or individuals that are trying to create a logo for their business, an advertisement such as a newspaper ad, magazine ad or banner ad, graphic designers are extremely in demand.

Vlad Petreanu si dezbaterile publice la romani
Vlad Petreanu despre cultura dezbaterii publice la romani: Nu avem cultura dezbaterii publice. Suntem nesiguri şi ne temem de lacunele noastre. Suntem hiper-competitivi în încercarea de a ne ascunde lipsurile, deşi ar trebui să concurăm pentru eliminarea lor. Tăcem în public, bârfim în particular. Zâmbim în grupuri, rânjim pe bisericuţe. Pe faţă ne gudurăm, pe la [...]
Source: - Request for comments
Am lansat in versiune beta un nou site,, si normal, astept comentarii din partea voastra. In ultimul timp am inceput destul de mult sa folosesc o aplicatie de pe telefonul mobil destinata printre altele reminder-urilor legate de aniversari. De aici si pana la ideea site-ului nu a mai fost mult Va invit sa [...]

Accounting Supervisor at Insurance Company (Parsippany, NJ)
Top 50 property and casualty insurance company located in Parsippany, NJ is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Accounting Supervisor. Company is publically traded and well positioned with offices throughout the united...

Starting a Home Business as a Freelance Writer
Many people love to write, whether it is fiction, travel articles, as a journalist or for business. If you enjoy writing and are looking to supplement your income, you might want to look into becoming a freelance writer.