Childhood Obesity Topic Center

Posted by 65302 | 1:54 AM

Childhood Obesity Topic Center
Read articles relating to childhood obesity and the impact of obesity on health.

The Therapy Directory
Therapy can provide a wide array of benefits and solutions. If you or someone else in your family needs someone to discuss their concerns with, the Therapist Finder will help point you in the right direction by providing you with information about licensed therapists in your area.

Genetics Topic Center
Dr. Greenes Genetics Topic Center provides information on blood types, the Rh system, figuring paternity, and the hows and whys of genetic disorders.

Cancer Topic Center
A cancer diagnosis is a tremendous blow to any individual and family, but it is made all the more painful when it happens to your child. Whether you are looking for information about cancer treatment, medical conditions and their associated cancer risks or tips on coping with cancer, Dr. Greenes Cancer Topic Center is here for you.

Kava - A Natural Remedy for Anxiety
Did you know that Kava is a natural remedy for anxiety? Well it’s true, and has been for hundreds and hundreds of years! Now, we are not allowed to diagnose or treat your anxiety with kava due to FDA regulations. But we can share with you the common knowledge and personal experiences others have had with this magical herb. Please consult with your physician to determine if Kava is right for you and your personal situation. Now, first off Kava is NOT a drug, and in no way “drug like”. Kava effects people differently and the effects are not the same for all people who try kava, which is why the FDA has classified kava as a herbal supplement and not a drug. The natural anxiety relief can only be obtained from raw, fresh, high quality  kava root. Finding a source for fresh, raw, high quality kava root can be difficult. Look no further! Kava Island imports tons of the freshest high quality kava root every year strait from the small independent kava farmers on the islands! You can not get these natural effects from store bought kava products, for one… they are not fresh… for two, it is hard to keep a steady supply of fresh raw material in stock to do large manufacturing of kava products. The kava you buy in the store is absolutely worthless. You can only obtain the benefits of kava by purchasing fresh, raw, high quality kava root. Which we sell here on Kava Island! What Experts Say About Kava & Anxiety “Clinical Studies have shown that kava and kavalactones are effective in the treatment of anxiety at sub clinical and clinical levels, anxiety associated with menopause and anxiety due to various medical conditions. Herbal Remedies, including kava ( Piper methysticum ), have been shown to be effective as alternative treatments, at least in mild to moderate cases of anxiety.” “Three studies have assessed the short-term effects of kava on anxiety related to medical condition.” These studies were done in Germany in 1989, 1991, and 2000 respectively. “In the first, 59 anxious preoperative patients were given 300 mg of kava extract (equivalent to 60 mg of kavalactones) the night before and another 300 mg of kava an hour before their operation. When compared with the control group, those receiving kava had significantly lower levels of anxiety. In the second study, +/- kavain 600 mg/day significantly reduced depression associated with anxiety in 60 patients with tuberculosis or who were awaiting a confirmation of its diagnosis. In the third study, kava significantly reduced the anxiety and related depression of 20 patients who were awaiting the results of a biopsy for possible mammary carcinoma. These studies indicate that kava may be a potent short-term anxiolytic for anxiety and depression related to a medical condition. In summary, current data suggests that kava extracts produce clinically effective and superior control of anxiety symptoms when compared with placebo and possibly benzodiazepines. In these studies, the extracts did not have the serious adverse effects associated with the benzodiazepines and thus may offer a viable alternative treatment for anxiety.” All quoted information above taken from the following source with direct permission from Dr. Yadhu Singh himself- Y.N. Singh and N.N. Singh. 2002. Therapeutic potential of kava in the treatment of anxiety disorders. CNS Drugs, 16(11), 731-743.

Mental Health Topic Center
Dr. Greenes Medical Treatment Topic Center provides information on postpartum depression, childhood depression, childhood anxiety, and more.

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Nutrition for Expecting Moms Topic Center
Dr. Greenes Nutrition for Expecting Moms Topic Center provides articles with information on specific nutrients your body needs during pregnancy, as well as tips on how to eat well while dealing with morning sickness, what kinds of healthy snacks to bring to work to help you get through the day and much more.

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