Seasonal Allergy Relief - MSN Health & Fitness - Allergies
Seasonal Allergy Relief - MSN Health & Fitness - AllergiesWhat is the best reliever for seasonal allergies? I am taking currently taking the over and every person has their own body reactions to seasonal allergies (runny nose, sneezing Source: OhioHealth - Allergy medications: Know your optionsThese prescription medications prevent and relieve [...]

All About Allergies
All About Allergies Signs and Symptoms. The type and severity of allergy symptoms vary from allergy to allergy and child to child. Allergies may show up as itchy eyes or an itchy nose, sneezing, nasal Source: Eye Allergies - Getting Relief for Itchy Eyes - Allergy and Asthma Itchy eyes and [...]

B Vitamins, Bioavailability, and Your Brain


(Before reading the following article, we'd like to introduce Dr. Carl Hansen, Jr., M.D., and his wonderful example: a doctor with a deep passion for and knowledge of brain health, how vitamins and nutrients play a truly vital role in keeping one's brain healthy and even reversing decline, and frustration about the fact that most other supplement products on the market used either cheap versions of key nutrients in forms that our bodies can't make use of, or uninformed combinations and dosages of vitamins that negated their possible benefits, …


Yerba Mate vs. Coffee: Which is Healthier?


At BrainReady, we've covered the brain health and longevity-related benefits of just about every natural drink one could think of; from Matcha green tea to cocoa to the differences between espresso and regular coffee, the list of health-fueling natural choices can be almost overwhelming if you're trying to pick the right one for you.

But we'd be remiss if we didn't add Yerba Mate (pronounced "yair-ba mah-tay") to the list, particularly with so many BrainReady readers asking us how it stacks up against the surprisingly nutrient-rich coffee -- in…


Goat Milk Cheese Manufacturing Steve Zeng
Goat Milk Cheese Manufacturing Steve ZengMerits of Goat Milk A natural source of nutrients An alternative to cow milk A “cure” to cow milk allergy Easy digestion Exotic and characteristic flavor [...]

Sharpen your listening skills

Are you listening……?


Like everyone else, the Brainready team often gets accused of not listening. It’s not that we don’t try; we just have so many thoughts running through our head and can’t focus on everything.

So how can we all avoid distractions, get rid of the brain fog and stop getting lost in our own thoughts?

Attentive listening is not only a skill, but also a process that can actually help focus your thoughts and stop your mind wandering.

Like your parents used to say – “pay attention’.

Attention is the cognitive process of selectively…


BrainReady Best Brain Supplements, Part 2: PS


The BrainReady Guide to the Best Brain Supplements, Part 2: PS 

Our second entry in the BrainReady Best Brain Supplements series (be sure to see our first post on vinpocetine) is Phosphatidylserine, the hard-to-pronounce-and-spell natural supplement more commonly referred to as 'PS'. 

Phosphatidylserine is a naturally occurring molecule known as a phospholipid, and has been shown to be important for the integrity and maintenance of the brain cell membranes. Because it is depleted by stress hormones such as cortisol, it is often deficient in…


Skin Test For Allergy - Skin Diseases, Conditions, Symptoms, and
Skin Test For Allergy - Skin Diseases, Conditions, Symptoms, and An allergy skin test is also called a scratch test. What is a positive skin test? If the skin reddens and, more importantly, if it swells, then the test is read as positive and Source: What does it mean to be [...]

7 Easy Ways to Get Your Brain Back Into Shape in '08


Whether it's those earnest New Year's resolutions or an upcoming feared birthday that will put you into that next age bracket, many people find themselves reaching the, "Okay, that's I really need to start doing X, stop doing Y, and exercise Z times per week and eat more vegetables in 2008!"

These personal inflection points are often, if not always, focused on improving one's physical body and health -- the things that people see when looking at us, image-related and often fueled in part by the bombardment of media & advertising. 


Spermicide (Vaginal Route) -
Spermicide (Vaginal Route) - MayoClinic.comSymptoms; Drugs and Supplements; Tests and Procedures; Healthy Lifestyle; First Aid of these methods is not likely or possible, using latex (rubber) condoms with a spermicide Source: Condoms - Spermicidal Lubricant Although spermicide should increase the contraceptive efficacy of the condom, that Do I Have [...]